Thursday, January 28, 2010

THERE IS A PARK...........

There is a park.......where poison oak grows under live oak trees.

There is a park.......where rattlesnakes make appearances during the heat of the day.

There is a park.....where Finn and Memphis love to play.

It is the South Buena Vista Park.
Why oh why is this their favorite park?
Isn't parenting stressfull enough without poison oak and rattlesnakes?

Last Saturday the sun was shining after 5 days of rain and thunderous skies.  The rain was a nice change to our usual weather but after a week of incessant rain, cabin fever had set in with Finn.

Grandma Violet was heading to South Buena Vista Park to enjoy the sunshine and invited Finn and I along to enjoy the outdoors.  How could I say no, especially since this is Finn's favorite park.

The lighting was beautiful Saturday!
The rain washed away all the grime and everything felt so fresh and alive.


Swingtime in the Sunshine

I forgot to mention, this park is dog friendly.  The park  provides water bowls and disposable bags for dog waste.  Sophie and Sadie had a ball.  I'll let you in on a little secret, I always feel safer at this park accompanied by dogs.  If I were a snake,  I would stay clear of  wild, slobering, overly excited labradors.

 Finn and Grandma Violet
near Indian Rock

Let me know when you want to visit South Buena Vista Park, I would be more than happy to be your guide......just make sure you wear high boots.  Teasing......or am I?

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Todd Tiffiney Finn Samson Delilah