Sunday, March 22, 2009


By now it isn't a secret.......I am a Twilighter to the core. If you happened to see all the advertisements via TV, Internet and will know the Twilight Movie DVD was released midnight on March 21st at certain locations. You must know, I wouldn't miss it. Sleep is really over rated.
It also helped that I was part of a team, a team of family and friends, ranging in age from 10 to 40(another one of the reasons I love Twilight, it reaches out to all age groups).

Our Twilight Team (Angie, Devon, Kirra, Kayla, me, Mary, Hayley, Heather, McKenna) started the evening off at 9pm at Chili's in Oceanside (strategically located close to the local Wal-Mart where we would continue on after dinner)

Angie and Devon

The younger of the group, Twilight face art complements of Angie.

Mary and Tiff with El Nino Margarita's

Kayla and Angie

I have to explain this photo below......Todd and Finn had just called from Wal-mart wanting to know where we were (it was already 10:30).....Chili's took forever in seating us so we were a little behind...while the adults were paying the bill the girls headed out front to wait and this is the view we saw outside the establishment window! Needless to say, I don't think Chili's wants us back any time soon.
This is what happens when you get 5 or more girls together over the age of 11.

Instead of Charlie's Angels we have Twilight Angels
Mckenna, Hayley and Kirra
Kirra & Heather
(Are they Team Edward or Team Jacob?)
Heather, Mary and Kayla
Typical females...excited over merchandise!!!

Hayley in Team Edward Gear
My husband and son are Twilight supporters
Finn was fading fast as the withcing hour approached

Yes, you need the T-shirt, Edward would want you to have it.

Twilighter Sisters
It is true...nothing will be the same.
Outside of Wal-Mart....waiting, waiting waiting......girls always ready with a pose.

Our group waiting in line outside the Wal-mart, only minutes till midnight.

Live video for you of Twilight Rap

I had a fabulous evening! One of the many things I have noticed about the Twilight populous is that all generations come together and share the same passion for Twilight, Stephenie Meyer and a love story. We met new people, admired custom made t-shirts in line and just enjoyed being together! we wait till November for Midnight Release of New Moon! I must mention Todd and Finn one more time...thank you for showing up and supporting us!

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Hi from Disneyland

Hi from Disneyland
Hi from Disneyland

About Me

Todd Tiffiney Finn Samson Delilah