Sunday, January 16, 2011


Have you ever built a rocket?  I have, in an 8th grade Science class, my rocket didn't even hit 20' while everyone else in the class soared their rocket over 250', this may be why I didn't become a Rocket Scientist.....but I did LOVE the movie October Sky, does that count for anything?

One of Todd's Christmas gifts this year was a Rocket Kit....he had expressed interest in one earlier in the year and thought it would be a fun experience with Finn to build and launch the rocket.  Being the oh so thoughtful wife that I am....I remembered his interest in a rocket which lead to last nights entertainment.

I read a few reviews on Amazon and soon found out the Estes Taser Rocket would be a good match for a Father/Son project, not too many little parts and a short assembly time.

Finn was into it immediately, Todd was very patient with Finn and even read out each step of the instructions so Finn understood what was happening next.  

Finn applying the nose of the rocket.

You will be impressed to find out that Finn even applied the modeling glue to various parts of the rocket.  Todd is always such a better parent than I am when it comes to hands on with anything from building a rocket to learning how to wash dishes.  I am always in a hurry....sigh

Ta Da

Pictures to follow from the launch, we had originally planned on launching the rocket today but unusually warm weather took us to the beach with our nieces, we stayed till sunset.  We are shooting for a launch later this week, weather permitting.  So proud of Todd and Finn's final project!

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Todd Tiffiney Finn Samson Delilah