Saturday, August 15, 2009


I became obsessed, my mind and body totally focused on completing a LEGO Building Kit. Even now as I write about it I am not fully recovered from the desire to push plastic pieces together and have them lock into place. I never played with LEGO's as a child. I honestly never understood their popularity or children's fascination with them, until now.

Let me transgress a little bit, one of Finn's birthday gifts this year was a "Limited Edition" Star Wars Lego" Spider Droid . The box said it was designed for children 7 to 12 years old and it came with over 500 individual pieces, it was instantly put away for a future time. I definitely didn't want to open this box with a 3 year old no matter how much he loved Star Wars.

Limited Edition "Star Wars Spider Droid"

Friday afternoon Finn spotted it on the shelf in the garage (Note:need to talk to Todd about hiding skills). We didn't have any plans until swim practice at 5pm so I took it down and headed to the kitchen table to see how hard it would be to assemble on my own. I put together the little troopers and battle droids first, this gave Finn something to play with while I concentrated on figuring out the Spider Droid.

It only took 4 gray pieces and I was hooked, I vaguely remember Todd coming in to talk to me, I think the phone rang.....not really sure, didn't really care just had to finish the Spider Droid. During this crazed fixation, Finn sat beside me shooting battle droids with his storm trooper. He offered encouragement along the way, he told me "I was doing a good job". We both became overly excited when I attached the hydraulic hose to the laser. We could sense the end was near.

At some point 5 o'clock must have arrived because Todd took Finn to Swim Practice, I promised I would meet them there (I think), I only had about 20 pieces left and I just had to finish it before leaving the table.

Tiffiney's Spider Droid

I finished, all movable parts worked. I couldn't believe I actually finished a Lego Building Set, and that I enjoyed it. I even had enough time to get to Finn's lesson with one minute to spare. When he set eyes on me at the swim complex, his first question was if I had finished the Droid. I victoriously said "YES".

My question to myself...
"When are we going to Legoland?"

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Todd Tiffiney Finn Samson Delilah