Sunday, February 27, 2011


Twenty years ago I said YES to Todd in Clark County, Nevada!  Has it really been twenty years since we swore before God to love and cherish each other till death do us part?  

(Photographed by Finn)
Being in our early twenties when we married we have been able to watch each other grow and mold into the people we are today, and guess what....I LOVE being Todd & Tiffiney.  We have much more to learn but I can't imagine sharing the next twenty years with anyone besides Todd! 

We spent the day doing what we love most......being a family!  Didn't matter what we did as long as we were together.  It was a stormy day so we decided to head to Balboa Park to the Science Center to see an Imax film "In Search of the Perfect Wave Tahiti".

Can you spot Todd and Finn?  Everyone else in San Diego County had the same idea on how to spend a wet, rainy day in San Diego!   It was packed.

My Boys Building 

Part of the Splendour of Balboa park

Me and Finn
I now come to the sad part of our day, as we were leaving Balboa Park Finn tripped over his boots jumping off a concrete planter and fell flat on his face.  Instant skinage on his forehead with a  bloody nose that was the worst I have ever seen, I thought it was broken. 

We contacted our pediatrician immediately and were directed to Rady's Children's Hospital where we spent the early evening making sure Finn didn't have a concussion, broken nose or worse...a skull fracture.

Two things before I conclude, Rady's Children's Hospital was an incredible experience, we received the best care  you could ever hope for in this type of situation and most importantly, QUICKLY.  Second, Finn is fine!!! 


GonhesRichardsonClan said...

What you wrote about you and Todd and Finn made me teary :) 20 years that is so wonderful!! When you are planning going to Disneyland for Finn's bday, let us know, Tiago wants to go so bad with Finn. He wont beable to do all rides but some :) Oh when dad told us the news about Finn and maybe breaking his nose. Tiago asked first thing this morning if they put Finn's nose back on yet :) He was all worried about "my best friend, I wove him momma" in the words of Tiago :) love you guys and so glad Finn is okay, we love that little guy so much.

Anonymous said...

Looking GOOD Tiff!!! WOW! You are really taking off the pounds! Congrats on 20 years!!! Luv u

Hi from Disneyland

Hi from Disneyland
Hi from Disneyland

About Me

Todd Tiffiney Finn Samson Delilah