Friday, September 10, 2010


Vista Storm

Saturday we atteneded Kirra's Soccer Tournament at Miramar College.  We've noticed at some of the larger tournaments they have food & game booth's set up for family members that accompany the soccer players to the game.  This gives them something to do in between games.....long days for the parents & players when the first game is at 8am and the next game is at 3:30pm! 

Finn decided he wanted to try the Rock Wall. 

How I wish I could climb as high as Finn, he did pretty well to a certain point and then his poor arms & legs couldn't get him any higher,  that is until......

his dad arrives to lend a helping hand.......where would be in life without a little support from our parents? 

1 comment:

GonhesRichardsonClan said...

That is so sweet! A helping hand!! :) Love that little guy :) Love the post about Brie!!! Love you see you tomorrow :)

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Hi from Disneyland
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Todd Tiffiney Finn Samson Delilah