Monday, May 3, 2010


How can something as small as a splinter turn my world upside down.  Finn came home from school on Thursday with a splinter embedded under the skin below his pinky finger.    I knew it was going to be a fight to get it out....DARN SPLINTER! 

Finn didn't want us anywhere near his hand....he kept saying "No, No, No....let's wait for Papa".  He was doing his very best to delay the inevitable.  It had to come out, we couldn't wait any longer....the skin around the splinter was already turning pink.

There is nothing worse than seeing your little on in discomfort.

Using rubbing alcohol and the flame from the kitchen burner, Todd and I sterilized the needle & tweezers.  Crocodile tears started running down Finn's cheek as I broke the surface of the skin.  When he started to scream and lose control, I knew we had to distract him, he was more terrified of the needle than from actual pain.

Every so often I am struck with brilliance, I gave Finn a job....he was to hold the flashlight with his good hand toward the splinter so his daddy could see it better!!!  Brilliant I say, worked like a charm...tears and screaming ceased immediately.    Todd was able to catch hold of the tip of the splinter and out it came!  Hoorah!

The Splinter,
I'm sure this won't be the last one, sigh...


Allie said...

good work. i hate splinters.

Tom and Debbie Goodwin said...

What a brave boy . . . and a brilliant mom!

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Hi from Disneyland
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Todd Tiffiney Finn Samson Delilah