Wednesday, October 13, 2010


As Finn and I headed off to school this morning we were greeted by this lovely Halloween spider.  Another reason I love October...this time of year the big grand daddy spiders appear and make the most exquisite webs.

Finn asked many questions:
Where does the web come from?
What is the web made of?
Can they swim?

This is what I've learned, since at the time I couldn't answer truthfully and told him I would find out for him.

The web comes from spider silk that is created by spinning glands inside the spider.  Spider silk is both light & strong and provides an instant home to the spider as well as a place to capture their prey.

Most spiders cannot swim, however they all can float.  Watch out next time you jump into a pond or river!!! 

1 comment:

GonhesRichardsonClan said...

Allie, if you see this post this is what I meant by Halloween Spiders. Here in Cali these BIG orange spiders always come out.. always in October... they are big and scarey but so amazing... :) They make the most beautiful webs Tiff love this post... he is a big one!!!! At dads office there was one spider that was so big it made my heart race! She was the size of a silver dollar!!! She was a different type of spider than the orange ones. These spiders are neat to look at but dont want them on me or to close to me! :)

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